“Ecos Malês”, opening the tributes to the 190th anniversary of the Malês Revolt in 2025, a new exhibition arrived at the Casa das Histórias in Salvador on November 1, 2024.
The exhibition brings together contemporary art, culture and the spirituality of an enslaved African people who fought for freedom. Curated by João Guimarães and Mirella Ferreira, the exhibition presents important excerpts from the Malês Revolt, which took place here in Salvador between January 24 and 25, 1835.
With the collective Arquiteturas da Revolta and 114 works by 48 artists, such as Ventura Profana, Voltaire Fraga, Rose Aféfé, Helen Salomão and Jasi Pereira, “Ecos Malês” leads us to reflect on historical and current movements, led by black personalities who fought and who fight for freedom.
The exhibition has three points of interpretation: Streets of Revolt, Inventing (Freedom and Defense) and Finding, which are political and spiritual dialogues that brought together 600 slaves to fight for the end of slavery in the city, leading us to reflect on the traces left by the Malês through the artistic and contemporary perspectives of the artists in the exhibition.
What: “Ecos Malês” Exhibition.
Where: Casa das Histórias de Salvador – Rua da Bélgica, 2. Comércio. Salvador, Bahia.
When: until May 2025.